Our Mission & Philosophy
Our mission and philosophy is to provide the best possible evidence- based individual treatment and recovery, treat every person and family in recovery with dignity, respect, love, personal care and attention. Follow the best scientific, holistic and smart ways to end one’s addiction forever and offer a comfortable setting and memorable experience to last a life time. Hillside Laguna provides clinical excellence in intensive treatment of alcohol and drug addiction & dependence in an exclusive and extremely private facility. We thrive on individual privacy a high-end environment of more than 3 acres for 6 clients at any given time. Executive private and semi private bedrooms are available.
What happens upon arrival ?
Upon arrival at Hillside Laguna every client is seen and thoroughly examined by our highly experienced physician addictionnologists, followed by a battery of intake assessments which include, Pain, Nutrition, and Trauma. An electronic and hard copy file before, during and after treatment is set up. Preparations of the client's treatment and recovery include pre-screened and carefully considered after-care plan. All aspects of the treatment are documented and logged on a secure Electronic Health Records (EHR). The planning takes place with full participation by the client which will be discussed and provided during all phases of the treatment. The client's input in such plan is paramount to help maintain his or her recovery at home. Hillside Laguna will provide the client with a rich and powerful therapeutic, and holistic experience that offers the best opportunity to build a healthy and rewarding live style that lasts. Our mission is for the client to recover and remain sober for good and happy. Everyone of us will do their best to help the client arrive at where they want to be.
We provide treatment for:
- Alcoholism
- Prescription drugs, illicit drugs and over the counter mind altering substances.
Detox Services
Hillside Laguna provides onsite individually tailored detox services. We recognize that detoxing from alcohol, prescription drugs, and opiates can be very dangerous therefore, having the proper plan, highly qualified and well trained physicians and staff are paramount. Hillside Laguna employs the services of some of the most prominent Medical Doctors in the field. You can be assured you are in good hands from the minute you admit to Hillside all the way through your discharge.
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment
Treatment Approach - Hillside Laguna offers 30, 60 and 90 day individually tailored treatment programs for a maximum of 6 clients at any given time. At Hillside Laguna, we support the needs of our clients in a compassionate, caring and loving environment within a safe, secure and luxurious setting. Our program incorporates a multi-dimensional approach to the treatment of addiction and co-occurring disorders. It is designed to help establish a secure foundation for long lasting health and wellness.
Psychological & Neuropsychological Screening is an integral part of our intake process.
Treatment Programs

Upon completion of detox, a dedicated psychotherapist will be assigned to you who will work with you in concert with other Hillside experts to uncover and overcome the root causes of your addiction – What and where that caused you to use in the first place. Our leading experts will help you to heal holistically – Through mind, body, spirit, and emotions. You are provided professionally prepared nutritious meals, organic when available, presented in our dining area room with 270 degree ocean and mystic hills views. You can take a meditative and reflective stroll in beautiful guided trails and strengthen your soul and body with yoga and/or instructive workouts with a personal fitness instructor.
Dual Diagnosis Disorders:
Dual diagnosis participants, commonly referred to as co-occurring disorders, which are alcohol or drug addiction combined with a behavioral disorder such as:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Sleep Disorders
- Panic Disorders
- Eating disorders
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sex & Love addiction
- Gambling addiction
- Other psychological conditions
Are accepted at Hillside Laguna as long as the co-occurring disorder is stable enough to allow the client to benefit from the substance use disorder treatment offered.
Evidence - based intensive Psychotherapy
Evidence-based Intensive Psychotherapy - Our client will engage in an intensive psychotherapy program tailored to meet his or her individual needs. We incorporate a transtheoretical model of positive psychology, which allows us to utilize a broad range of evidence-based therapeutic strategies taken from a variety of clinical models such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Motivational Interviewing, in order to design interventions that will most effectively meet the needs of each client. Without the strict focus on diagnostic labels, our treatment techniques are designed to address the underlying factors that have driven symptomatic behaviors. We recognize that this underlying pain has overtaxed the emotional resources of our client which will support him or her in developing and utilizing new and healthy tools.
Individual tailor made treatment
Hillside Laguna's leading experts will work closely with you throughout all phases, and stages of the treatment and individually tailor the treatment based on your special needs, affecting any improvements needed to ensure that you overcome and succeed. We deploy a wide spectrum of effective and alternative treatment in our programs including the following:
- Individual Assessment
- One-On-tailor made therapy
- Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Dialectical & Cognitive Therapy (DBT & CBT)
- Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment
- Relapse prevention
- Family programs
- AA 12 Step or Smart Recovery
Motivation - We recognize that a client will arrive at his or her own emotional place, within a set of unique needs. We will meet that client where he or she is at, in a supportive and compassionate manner. Through the course of treatment, we will facilitate the development of an internally driven desire for change and growth. We recognize that lasting change will only occur when an individual finds the value in this process along the way.
Skills Training - As a client moves through and overcomes the underlying pain and trauma which have reduced and limited his or her ability to function, we will assist that individual in developing recovery skills and tools through mindfulness, stress tolerance, and emotional regulation
Family Program
Hillside Laguna clinical team places heavy emphasis on involving and engaging each and every client’s family and loved ones. We incorporate the family of our client throughout the admission, treatment, recovery and discharge process. We build and create the necessary tools to support a lasting sobriety here and at home. Families are encouraged to take part in family therapy sessions, psych-education groups, and family support groups.
Support Community
AA - 12 Step, Smart Recovery or both
Each and every client is thoroughly assessed and evaluated on the best approach on relapse prevention and continued sobriety. AA 12 step programs are most common with many treatment facilities, as Smart Recovery is less prevalent. Hillside Laguna clinical team is well trained on both modalities and take each and every aspect of both approaches very seriously. Hillside Laguna redefined their core principles by honing in on all the common threads between AA 12 step and Smart Recovery approaches. Hillside Laguna treatment practice provides a bedrock for relapse prevention and continued sobriety. By the time a client finishes treatment at Hillside, he or she will have built up a solid base on which path to chart in the their after care plan and continued sobriety. AA 12 step or Smart Recovery models have been shown to be highly successful in developing the cognitive understanding, emotional stability and constructive behavioral habits that are essential to initiating and maintaining recovery.
Canyon Club in Laguna Beach, California is one of the most prominent AA meetings place in the USA. It is 7 minute drive from Hillside Laguna. Hillside Laguna clients are given the option to attend AA meetings at Canyon Club 0r other AA meetings places, like Mission Hospital, Laguna Beach, Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach or other AA meetings places in the area every night of the week.
Canyon Club in Laguna Beach, California is one of the most prominent AA meetings place in the USA. It is 7 minute drive from Hillside Laguna. Hillside Laguna clients are given the option to attend AA meetings at Canyon Club 0r other AA meetings places, like Mission Hospital, Laguna Beach, Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach or other AA meetings places in the area every night of the week.
Smart Recovery meetings are not as common as AA 12 Step meetings. Hillside Laguna clients are given the option to attend Smart Recovery meeting in person or Smart Recovery Meetings OnLine
Smart Recovery meetings are not as common as AA 12 Step meetings. Hillside Laguna clients are given the option to attend Smart Recovery meeting in person or Smart Recovery Meetings OnLine
Holistic approach: Body - Mind - Spirit & Emotions
Hillside Laguna Treatment and Recovery Program includes a unique approach for reaching and sustaining recovery from Substance Use Disorder through individually tailored addiction treatment program. Hillside believes that this model enables us to provide a best practice recovery approach. Knowing the client's individual need is imperative. Hillside recognizes that a one size fits all type of treatment model doesn’t successfully meet the needs of every individual seeking to end their struggle with addiction for good. Developing cognitive understanding, emotional stability and constructive behavioral habits are essential to initiating and maintaining recovery. Preparing one in recovery to integrate well back home is one of the most important components of recovery - AA 12 step or Smart Recovery models have been shown to be highly successful in developing the cognitive understanding, emotional stability and constructive behavioral habits that are essential to initiating and maintaining recovery.
Top massage therapy, acupuncture, and other holistic programs described below are also available. More scientific treatments including DBT, and interpersonal neurobiology are offered to those clients who would benefit from them. During treatment in a spa-like setting, the client will have access to Pre-programmed and individually tailored state-of-the-art visual therapy in his or her room or the reflective content rich library.